Before 2024 comes to an end, the SharkSafe Barrier™ team would like to share some exciting highlights from the year with all of you.

Research and Development

SharkSafe Barrier’s™ latest Research and Development installations at Granger Bay and Mackerel Beach mark significant milestones in testing the barrier in rough sea conditions and on different sea substrates. Situated along South Africa’s dynamic coastline, these sites were selected for their challenging marine conditions, offering ideal environments to evaluate the SharkSafe Barrier’s™ performance in real-world ocean scenarios.

The Granger Bay installation is focused on testing the durability of a prototype design for the rigid pipes anchored on rocks. Positioned in a high-energy surf zone, this site experiences strong wave action, especially during winter when northwesterly winds prevail. The harsh environmental conditions provide an excellent testing ground to evaluate how the barrier withstands the constant battering of powerful waves. Strategically located in front of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology’s (CPUT) Granger Bay campus, the installation is surrounded by the rugged rocky terrain typical of this coastline.

At Mackerel Beach, the focus shifts to assessing the effectiveness of the barrier’s interface between deep and shallow water grids when anchored on deep, moving sand and exposed to the surf. The installation here is critical for testing the transition zones in the design, ensuring the technology functions seamlessly in varying water depths. Mackeral Beach is a highly dynamic beach, particularly when the Capes’ notorious South-easterly wind blows, exposing the test sight to rough seas and sand movement.

Together, these installations are driving advancements in SharkSafe Barrier’s™ goal of creating a safer ocean environment for both humans and marine life. By continuously refining the barrier’s design to ensure large-scale feasibility, the project plays a key role in global efforts to reduce shark-human conflicts without harming marine ecosystems. A big thank you to the Nautech Team for making the ongoing R&D possible.

Envoy: Shark Cull is now on Netflix Australia and New Zealand

We are thrilled to announce that the documentary Envoy: Shark Cull was released on Netflix NZ and Australia in October! This is a monumental achievement for everyone involved in bringing the film to life and a powerful opportunity for a global audience to witness the devastating effects of long-standing shark culling practices.

Envoy: Shark Cull, directed by Andre Borell and narrated by Eric Bana, features prominent voices in marine conservation, such as Sea Shepherd, Ocean Ramsey, and Madison Stewart, and one of SharkSafe Barrier’s™ founders, Dr. Sara Andreotti.

The film unveils seven years of covert footage, exposing the harsh reality of Australia’s ongoing shark culling program. It emphasizes the crucial role sharks play in our marine ecosystems and presents humane alternatives for mitigating shark-human conflict including the SharkSafe Barrier™.

In New South Wales, Queensland, and KwaZulu-Natal, shark nets and drumlines are deployed just 500 meters from the shore, supposedly to protect beachgoers. However, these devices offer no real protection. Shark nets cover only part of the water’s depth, and drumlines are merely baited hooks floating in the water. Neither method forms a physical barrier between sharks and humans, allowing sharks to swim above or below them. Tragically, these devices entangle and often kill a wide range of marine species, including turtles, dolphins, whales, and non-target shark species.

There are more compassionate and effective solutions. The SharkSafe Barrier, for instance, simulates the natural deterrent effect of kelp forests combined with magnetic fields, effectively discouraging sharks from entering certain areas—without harming them or other marine life.

If you’re in Australia and New Zealand, don’t miss this documentary on Netflix during this festive season.

As 2024 draws to a close, we at SharkSafe Barrier™ want to extend our deepest gratitude to our supporters, partners, and passionate team who have made this year remarkable. As we look ahead to 2025, we remain committed to innovating and growing our impact. Thank you for being a part of our journey—here’s to a safer, thriving ocean for all!