A year in the Bahamas!

We are incredibly thrilled to celebrate the first anniversary of the SharkSafe Barrier installation in the Bahamas! Over the past year, our SharkSafe Barrier™  has demonstrated its effectiveness in separating sharks and humans, while safeguarding the integrity of the marine ecosystem.

This achievement marks a significant milestone for marine conservation, showcasing how effective, eco-friendly alternatives to mitigating the shark-human conflict are now a real option!

The installation sustained severe storms, proving the technology’s robustness despite the ocean’s unpredictability.

SharkSafe Barrier in the Bahamas, with some growth on the pipes
Fish swimming through the SharkSafe Barrier in the Bahamas.
A beautiful image of the SharkSafe Barrier in the Bahamas

 Our clients in the Bahamas looked into other options before adopting the SharkSafe Barrier, but it was the only technology that ticked all their boxes. Our clients were looking for a system that would keep sharks away from the beach, that allowed for jet skis to go through it, and had minimal maintenance requirements — one year in, the SharkSafe Barrier has met all their expectations.

SharkSafe Barriers’ vision is to provide effective and sustainable solutions to mitigate the shark-human conflict, redefining how humans interact with the world’s oceans, and this installation is a tangible testament to our vision.